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Tourism Exceptional Assistance Grant (Extended Isolation)

The $1.15 million Tourism Exceptional Assistance Grant - Extended Isolation is provided under the joint Commonwealth and State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements, to support the recovery of tourism operators in Far North Queensland isolated for extended periods of time by the impacts of Tropical Cyclone Jasper.


To be eligible for funding, tourism operations must have been fully closed to trading from the date of the Tropical Cyclone Jasper Disaster and continued to remain closed after 11 March 2024 as a result of being isolated, or having a usual area of operation isolated as a direct result of Tropical Cyclone Jasper.

Support for closure may be claimed up to the period ending 31 July 2024.

At the time of the event, the tourism operation must:

  • have been located in at least one of the of the following Local Government Authority areas:
    • Cairns Regional Council
    • Cassowary Coast Regional Council
    • Cook Shire Council
    • Douglas Shire Council
    • Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council
    • Mareeba Shire Council
    • Tablelands Regional Council
    • Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council
    • Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council
  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • be registered for GST
  • intend to continue the tourism operation in the defined disaster area
  • have reasonable prospects for carrying on the tourism operation on a viable basis with the assistance provided.


Applications are now closed and are under assessment.

Key Dates

Applications opened 9 August 2024
Applications closed 9 September 2024
Outcome of applications advised By 30 September 2024
Application acquittals finalised By 30 June 2025

More information

Last updated: 10 Sep 2024