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Strategic Indigenous Tourism Projects

The National Indigenous Australians Agency has committed $3 million co-matched funding with the Queensland Government for a total of $6 million to be spent on Strategic Indigenous Tourism Projects.

Indigenous tourism is a growing and significant contribution to Queensland’s economy, creating opportunities for Indigenous Queenslanders; and providing an Australian and international visitor with enriching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and country.

Queensland is home to one of the largest Indigenous populations in Australia and is in the unique position of being able to showcase both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.

Queensland’s Indigenous tourism sector contributes to our State’s growing tourism industry through the supply of high-quality experiences that are essential to attracting visitors and creating employment in our regions.

High quality, unique First Nations tourism offerings are essential to attracting visitors to Queensland so we can grow our tourism industry and create more jobs in our regions.

Over the last four years, Queensland’s Indigenous tourism sector has grown, sectoral needs are clearer, and the impact of COVID has been vast and all reaching. A range of initiatives were delivered under the Queensland Government’s $10 million Year of Indigenous Tourism in 2020-2021 and the Australian Government’s $40 million Indigenous Tourism Program. The Year of Indigenous Tourism was extended into 2022 – 2023.

The Brisbane Olympics 2032 places Queensland in the ideal position to become Australia’s leading Indigenous tourism destination. With strong leadership and support Queensland’s Indigenous tourism experiences will promote the diversity of our state’s regions cultural environments and beauty.

In recognition of this opportunity, First Nations participation is highlighted as a key catalyst for change, alongside the Brisbane 2032 Games and nature based sustainable tourism, in Queensland’s tourism industry strategy Towards Tourism 2032 – Transforming Queensland’s visitor economy future, a tourism industry strategy (TT2032).

The Strategic Indigenous Tourism Projects Fund will directly support outcomes under TT2032 to increase the attractiveness and long-term sustainability of Queensland’s tourism industry - There are 16 First Nations Actions identified in TT2032 which will be delivered on through the many strategic Indigenous Tourism projects outlined in the First Nations Roadmap and Federation Funding Agreement with NIAA.

The Strategic Indigenous Tourism Projects Fund comprises numerous categories with some targeted to specific organisations and others a targeted competitive application process.

Last updated: 28 Jun 2024