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Far North tourism operators to receive $10 million for flood resilience

26 Jul 2024

65 tourism operators in Far North Queensland will receive funding as part of the $10 million Building Resilient Tourism Infrastructure Fund. The funding will support various infrastructure improvements to help businesses withstand and recover quickly from future natural disasters.

Tourism operators across Queensland’s Far North are set to become more resilient to floods with 65 businesses to share in $10 million through the Building Resilient Tourism Infrastructure Fund. 

The support is part of the $29.15 million Tourism Recovery and Resilience Program, jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments, for tourism operators severely impacted as a result of ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper to rebuild stronger, flood-resilient infrastructure through the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

Some of the funded projects include solar panels, generators, stormwater drains, flood warning systems, hoists, elevated workshops, sealed roads, synthetic flooring, retaining walls, water pumps, rainwater tanks, bore water access and desalination units.

Businesses from Cairns to Palm Cove, Kuranda, Port Douglas, Cape Tribulation and the Daintree have been awarded grants from $30,000 to $250,000, with projects to be completed by 30 November 2025.

The funds will help tourism operators get through the next flood or natural disaster and bounce back quickly afterwards, enabling them to keep the lights on, maintain a supply of clean water, preserve equipment, keep roads open and floodwaters out.

The Tourism Recovery and Resilience Program also included:

  • $3 million towards advertising campaigns and events across Cairns and Port Douglas promoting the region, like Savannah Sounds on the Great Barrier Reef.

  • $5 million was directed towards immediate hardship support, discounted flights and accommodation.

The grants program is part of more than $156 million committed by the Australian and Queensland Governments to support the long-term recovery of communities impacted by Tropical Cyclone Jasper in December 2023.

More information on personal disaster assistance can be found at

See full list of Building Resilient Tourism Infrastructure Fund recipients.

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